life is a journey

Created by Dany 12 years ago
Life is a journey and it is only by looking back that you can see where you have been and what you have gained from it, It's rather like sitting on a train with your back to the engine, you can't see where you're going but you can see where you have been and it's all there in the view stretching out behind you, The journey for me has not been the one I had assumed I would have, my journey twisted and turned, stopped and started, ended and begun and it threw me about like a piece of driftwood on a stormy sea, but I would not change it for anything in this world, I am who I am because of my journey, I am altered and changed by the tidal waves of tragedy, I have learnt from the moments that have taken my breath away and also the ones that have almost destroyed me, I have been shaped by the people I have met and I have drunk from the knowledge they have given me but most of all, I have known pure joy and happiness through a little boy called Luke, and only now can I say that I believe that my journey was already planned for me long before I arrived in this world, I consider myself to be a very lucky person, I have been unconditionally loved and I have been privileged to have known my son and been his mother, I regret nothing and I treasure everything I have been given. my life was meant to be Thank you Luke for making me the person I am today,