31 years today !! 6th October 2019

1988 October - 2019 October

Created by Dany 4 years ago

has it really been that long my darling?

Have i really survived without  you for all  those years ??

It seems like a moment ago that you let my life yet it feels so far away that i sometimes wonder if it was actually Me who lost you !!! our short life together had become a snapshot of a moment in time and my memory is beginning to betray me, but i have a scar that remains and a hole in the shape of you that constantly remind me of the day we both died. They say people die of a broken heart, well i have a broken heart now, literally and physically its the price i pay for that short time i lived in paradise with you, is called takotsubo cardiomyopathy and it represents me after you,

i will never forget you, you are me and i am you, to forget you would be to forget myself because we are one and always will be, our energy is one energy and although you are in a new phase of your energy, i know we are still connected and will be until the end of time

Go forward my precious child and do good things, we will be United when the time is rightπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•